POST api/ApplicationNoneItem/search-results

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Filters": {
    "$id": "2",
    "$values": [
        "$id": "3",
        "<Field>k__BackingField": "sample string 1",
        "<Operator>k__BackingField": "sample string 2",
        "<Value>k__BackingField": {
          "$id": "4"
        "<Logic>k__BackingField": "sample string 4",
        "<Filters>k__BackingField": {
          "$id": "5",
          "$values": [
              "$ref": "3"
              "$ref": "3"
              "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
  "Page": 1,
  "PageSize": 2,
  "Sort": {
    "$id": "6",
    "Field": "sample string 1",
    "Dir": "sample string 2",
    "SecondaryField": "sample string 3",
    "SecondaryDir": "sample string 4",
    "ThirdField": "sample string 5",
    "ThirdDir": "sample string 6"
  "PreviousPageSize": 3



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'DataSearchRequest'.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "TResults": {
    "$id": "2",
    "$values": [
        "$id": "3",
        "ApplicationNoneItemId": 1,
        "ApplicationId": 2,
        "ItemId": 3,
        "ItemTypeLovId": 1,
        "CreatedDate": "2025-01-30T07:47:20.827167+11:00",
        "ModifiedDate": "2025-01-30T07:47:20.827167+11:00",
        "CreatedByUser": "sample string 6",
        "ModifiedByUser": "sample string 7",
        "ItemName": "sample string 8",
        "OtherNames": "sample string 9",
        "ItemGroupCollectionLovId": 1,
        "ItemCategoryLovId": 1,
        "ItemLocalGovtAreaLovId": 1,
        "GroupName": "sample string 10",
        "ParentItemId": 1,
        "ItemType": "sample string 11",
        "GroupCollection": "sample string 12",
        "Category": "sample string 13",
        "LocalGovtArea": "sample string 14",
        "StreetNo": "sample string 15",
        "StreetName": "sample string 16",
        "Suburb": "sample string 17",
        "State": "sample string 18",
        "AddressSummary": "sample string 19",
        "CmpId": 1,
        "ShrNo": "sample string 20",
        "ShrFlag": true,
        "ItemSourceLookupCodeLovId": 1,
        "ItemSourceLookupCodeShortDesc": "sample string 21",
        "PK": "sample string 13"
        "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
  "FullResults": {
    "$id": "4",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
  "Validation": {
    "$id": "5",
    "SuccessOutput": {
      "$id": "6"
    "Success": true,
    "ErrorMessages": null,
    "WarningMessages": {
      "$id": "7",
      "$values": [
        "sample string 1",
        "sample string 2",
        "sample string 3"
    "InfoMessages": {
      "$id": "8",
      "$values": [
        "sample string 1",
        "sample string 2",
        "sample string 3"
    "DatabaseErrorMessage": "sample string 3",
    "SuccessMessage": "sample string 4",
    "RelatedKeyId": "sample string 5"
  "Results": {
    "$id": "9",
    "$values": [
        "$id": "10"
        "$id": "11"
        "$id": "12"
  "Page": 1,
  "PageSize": 1,
  "PageCount": 1,
  "Sort": {
    "$id": "13",
    "Field": "sample string 1",
    "Dir": "sample string 2",
    "SecondaryField": "sample string 3",
    "SecondaryDir": "sample string 4",
    "ThirdField": "sample string 5",
    "ThirdDir": "sample string 6"
  "Total": 2,
  "IsExternal": true,
  "UserRole": 0,
  "Area": "sample string 4",
  "MaxLayerSeachResultsExceededWarningMessage": "sample string 5",
  "maxHeritageLayerSearchValue": 1,
  "MaxResultsExceeded": true