POST api/Iho/request-withdraw-reject-internal

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

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          "SlaActiveHrs": 1,
          "StepConfigSlaFieldColumnName": "sample string 25",
          "StepConfigSlaFieldTableName": "sample string 26",
          "DisplayAtStep": "sample string 27",
          "DisplayAtStepConfigId": 1,
          "SlaUserId": 1,
          "SlaTeamId": 1,
          "StatusPrio": 28,
          "RowId": 29,
          "PK": 29
          "$ref": "264"
          "$ref": "264"
  "StepConfigs": {
    "$id": "265",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "45"
        "$ref": "45"
        "$ref": "45"
  "LatestSteps": {
    "$id": "266",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "152"
        "$ref": "152"
        "$ref": "152"
  "IsInternalUser": true,
  "WasApplicationSuccessfullySubmitted": true,
  "StepCodeToSave": "sample string 6",
  "OpenSteps": {
    "$id": "267",
    "$values": [
      "sample string 1",
      "sample string 2",
      "sample string 3"
  "OpenStages": {
    "$id": "268",
    "$values": [
      "sample string 1",
      "sample string 2",
      "sample string 3"
  "IsSubmittingStage1": true,
  "FinishLater": true,
  "ApplicationWithdrawViewModel": {
    "$id": "269",
    "ApplicationId": 1,
    "ApplicationWithdrawReasonLovId": 1,
    "Comment": "sample string 2",
    "WithdrawReasons": {
      "$id": "270",
      "$values": [
          "$ref": "96"
          "$ref": "96"
          "$ref": "96"
    "ApplicationStatusCode": "sample string 3",
    "SitecoreRefundNote": "sample string 4",
    "ApplicationTypeHasPayment": true,
    "Entity": {
      "$ref": "258"
    "Validation": {
      "$ref": "12"
    "PageAccess": {
      "$ref": "16"
    "UserRole": 0
  "IsApplicant": true,
  "IsAuthorisedUser": true,
  "ShouldReturnToHomePage": true,
  "IsExternalUserTaskOverdue": true,
  "IsNotesExistingForStep": true,
  "IsSpellingGrammarChanges": true,
  "IsUpdateRecordPathway": true,
  "Validation": {
    "$ref": "12"
  "PageAccess": {
    "$ref": "16"
  "UserRole": 0