POST api/ReportBuilderReport

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "ReportBuilderReportId": 1,
  "SavedReportQueryId": 1,
  "HasReportQueryChanged": true,
  "CurrentStepIndex": 2,
  "MaxReachedStepIndex": 3,
  "IsReadOnly": true,
  "ApplicationSection": "sample string 5",
  "ReportData": {
    "$id": "2",
    "ReportQueryId": 1,
    "LoadedReportQueryId": 1,
    "TypeOfQuery": "sample string 1",
    "AvailableQueries": {
      "$id": "3",
      "$values": [
          "$id": "4",
          "ReportBuilderQueryId": 1,
          "Description": "sample string 2",
          "QueryType": "sample string 3",
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          "Roles": {
            "$id": "5",
            "$values": [
              "sample string 1",
              "sample string 2",
              "sample string 3"
          "RolesString": "sample string 1, sample string 2, sample string 3",
          "ApplicationSection": "sample string 5"
          "$ref": "4"
          "$ref": "4"
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    "FilterConditions": {
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      "$values": [
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          "SequenceNo": 1,
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          "ColumnName": "sample string 2",
          "ColumnDataType": "sample string 3",
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                "UserHasAccessToDrillDownReport": true,
                "SequenceNo": 5,
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                  "$values": [
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                      "DrillDownLinkId": 1,
                      "ReportBuilderReportColumnId": 1,
                      "CurrentReportColumnName": "sample string 1",
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    "AvailableColumns": {
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  "Columns": {
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          "$ref": "10"
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    "IsExportingExcel": true,
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      "$values": [
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        "sample string 3"
  "UserRole": 0



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'ReportBuilderReportViewModel'.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

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  "CurrentStepIndex": 2,
  "MaxReachedStepIndex": 3,
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  "ReportData": {
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