PUT api/Task

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "IsContactApplicantTask": true,
  "TaskSearchRequest": {
    "$id": "2",
    "Filters": {
      "$id": "3",
      "$values": [
          "$id": "4",
          "<Field>k__BackingField": "sample string 1",
          "<Operator>k__BackingField": "sample string 2",
          "<Value>k__BackingField": {
            "$id": "5"
          "<Logic>k__BackingField": "sample string 4",
          "<Filters>k__BackingField": {
            "$id": "6",
            "$values": [
                "$ref": "4"
                "$ref": "4"
                "$ref": "4"
          "$ref": "4"
          "$ref": "4"
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 2,
    "Sort": {
      "$id": "7",
      "Field": "sample string 1",
      "Dir": "sample string 2",
      "SecondaryField": "sample string 3",
      "SecondaryDir": "sample string 4",
      "ThirdField": "sample string 5",
      "ThirdDir": "sample string 6"
    "PreviousPageSize": 3
  "TaskTypeSystemCode": "sample string 2",
  "ApplicationId": 3,
  "IsInternalUser": true,
  "SetRequiredByTrafficLightToGreen": true,
  "TaskUploadedResponseFile": {
    "$id": "8",
    "FileAttachment": "QEBA",
    "FileUrl": "sample string 1",
    "IsFileTooLarge": true,
    "ParentKeyId": 1,
    "ParentFolderName": "sample string 3",
    "IsDisabled": true,
    "FileRequiredFlag": true,
    "DropzoneText": "sample string 6",
    "DisableAutomaticUpload": true,
    "SharepointFilePath": "sample string 8",
    "MaxFileCount": 1,
    "MaxFileSize": 1,
    "IsAttached": true,
    "FileTypeCode": "sample string 10",
    "DoesFileGenerate": true,
    "HasFileBeenGenerated": true,
    "IsShowingLink": true,
    "SubmittedVersionNo": 1,
    "ApplicationId": 14,
    "StampImagePath": "sample string 15",
    "CurrentApplicationStep": "sample string 16",
    "FetchStamped": true,
    "IsStepFile": true,
    "IsStepReadOnly": true,
    "IsSequenceNumberRequired": true,
    "IsAutoCommit": true,
    "StakeholderId": 22,
    "StakeholderType": "sample string 23",
    "DocumentTypes": {
      "$id": "9",
      "$values": [
          "$id": "10",
          "CodeLovId": 1,
          "CodeType": "sample string 2",
          "Description": "sample string 3",
          "AlternativeDesc": "sample string 4",
          "ShortDesc": "sample string 5",
          "ActiveFlag": true,
          "SequenceNo": 1,
          "SystemCode": "sample string 7",
          "IsStreetAddressFlag": true
          "$ref": "10"
          "$ref": "10"
    "OtherFileTypeLovId": 24,
    "FileTypeName": "sample string 25",
    "AcceptedFileTypes": "sample string 26",
    "IsLabeled": true,
    "IsImage": true,
    "CreatedBy": "sample string 29",
    "ModifiedBy": "sample string 30",
    "UploadedFileScanDataId": "sample string 31",
    "ApplicationTypeCode": "sample string 32",
    "ActionToCall": "sample string 33",
    "IsUploadHeritageItem": true,
    "IsAllRecordsErrors": true,
    "UploadHeritageItems": {
      "$id": "11",
      "$values": [
          "$id": "12",
          "ApplicationId": 1,
          "ItemId": 2,
          "Address": "sample string 3",
          "ModifiedDate": "2025-01-18T16:09:34.599432+11:00",
          "ItemName": "sample string 5",
          "StreetNo": "sample string 6",
          "StreetAddress": "sample string 7",
          "Suburb": "sample string 8",
          "Postcode": "sample string 9",
          "PhysicalDescription": "sample string 10",
          "StatementSignificance": "sample string 11",
          "History": "sample string 12"
          "$ref": "12"
          "$ref": "12"
    "Entity": {
      "$id": "13",
      "PK": 1
    "Validation": {
      "$id": "14",
      "SuccessOutput": {
        "$id": "15"
      "Success": true,
      "ErrorMessages": null,
      "WarningMessages": {
        "$id": "16",
        "$values": [
          "sample string 1",
          "sample string 2",
          "sample string 3"
      "InfoMessages": {
        "$id": "17",
        "$values": [
          "sample string 1",
          "sample string 2",
          "sample string 3"
      "DatabaseErrorMessage": "sample string 3",
      "SuccessMessage": "sample string 4",
      "RelatedKeyId": "sample string 5"
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      "PageCode": "sample string 1",
      "StepAccesses": {
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        "$values": [
            "$id": "20",
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            "StepCode": "sample string 2"
            "$ref": "20"
            "$ref": "20"
      "Positions": {
        "$id": "21",
        "$values": [
          "sample string 1",
          "sample string 2",
          "sample string 3"
    "UserRole": 0
  "TaskUploadedFile": {
    "$ref": "8"
  "Teams": {
    "$id": "22",
    "$values": [
        "$id": "23",
        "Id": "sample string 1",
        "Text": "sample string 2",
        "OtherText": "sample string 3",
        "OtherData": {
          "$id": "24"
        "$ref": "23"
        "$ref": "23"
  "UserTeamPositions": {
    "$id": "25",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "23"
        "$ref": "23"
        "$ref": "23"
  "TaskUploadedFiles": {
    "$id": "26",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "8"
        "$ref": "8"
        "$ref": "8"
  "IsRegisteredUser": true,
  "IsAuthorisedUser": true,
  "SpecialistName": "sample string 8",
  "StakeholderIndexViewModel": {
    "$id": "27",
    "Email": "sample string 1",
    "GivenNames": "sample string 2",
    "Surname": "sample string 3",
    "MobilePhone": "sample string 4",
    "Organisation": "sample string 5",
    "OrganisationTypeLovId": 1,
    "WorkPhone": "sample string 6",
    "HomePhone": "sample string 7",
    "Position": "sample string 8",
    "ProjectId": 1,
    "ProgramId": 1,
    "OrganisationTypes": {
      "$id": "28",
      "$values": [
          "$ref": "10"
          "$ref": "10"
          "$ref": "10"
    "IsInSearchPopup": true,
    "IsSearchForIDA": true,
    "PopupStakeholderType": "sample string 10",
    "PopupApplicationType": "sample string 11",
    "PopupStepCode": "sample string 12",
    "PopupApplicationId": 1,
    "IsAlternate": true,
    "PopupStepId": 1,
    "OrganisationId": 1,
    "ViewEmail": "sample string 14",
    "AssociateStakeholderRequest": {
      "$ref": "2"
  "IsApplicationFromCnr": true,
  "CnrCaseId": "sample string 10",
  "Organization": "sample string 11",
  "CanContinueAssessment": true,
  "IsMoreInfoReqd": true,
  "TaskResponseUploadedFiles": {
    "$id": "29",
    "$values": [
        "$ref": "8"
        "$ref": "8"
        "$ref": "8"
  "SmeInternalMessageSubject": "sample string 14",
  "SmeExternalMessageSubject": "sample string 15",
  "SmeInternalMessageBody": "sample string 16",
  "SmeExternalMessageBody": "sample string 17",
  "CanRespond": true,
  "CnrSupportingDocumentRequest": {
    "$ref": "2"
  "CurrentStepCode": "sample string 19",
  "CancelInformationRequestFlag": true,
  "CancelledUserName": "sample string 21",
  "PreviousRequiredBy": "2025-01-18T16:09:34.6306833+11:00",
  "Entity": {
    "$id": "30",
    "PK": 1
  "Validation": {
    "$ref": "14"
  "PageAccess": {
    "$ref": "18"
  "UserRole": 0



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'TaskViewModel'.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Validation": {
    "$id": "2",
    "SuccessOutput": {
      "$id": "3"
    "Success": true,
    "ErrorMessages": null,
    "WarningMessages": {
      "$id": "4",
      "$values": [
        "sample string 1",
        "sample string 2",
        "sample string 3"
    "InfoMessages": {
      "$id": "5",
      "$values": [
        "sample string 1",
        "sample string 2",
        "sample string 3"
    "DatabaseErrorMessage": "sample string 3",
    "SuccessMessage": "sample string 4",
    "RelatedKeyId": "sample string 5"
  "PageAccess": {
    "$id": "6",
    "PageCode": "sample string 1",
    "StepAccesses": {
      "$id": "7",
      "$values": [
          "$id": "8",
          "StageCode": "sample string 1",
          "StepCode": "sample string 2"
          "$ref": "8"
          "$ref": "8"
    "Positions": {
      "$id": "9",
      "$values": [
        "sample string 1",
        "sample string 2",
        "sample string 3"
  "UserRole": 0